2023 APS Newsletter Issue 7

2023 Issue 7 - Term 2

Junior School Council Report

Hello, my name is Tilly and I am blue/Jacaranda house captain. Hello, my name is Kinnari and I am the yellow/Wattle house captain.

Last week we had a House meeting. A House meeting is where all of the houses meet in different classrooms. At the House meeting we discussed emblems and chants for our Houses. We also discussed what lunchtime clubs/activities we wanted to have for the coming weeks. 

We haven’t yet chosen our clubs but stay tuned to find out what they will be.


In Science, the Foundations have been learning about different types of light. In Music they have been learning to play the glockenspiel. In Chinese they have been learning to write and trace characters.e.g. 马 horse, 牛 cow. Finally, in English they have been matching the pictures to the words.

Year 1/2

The 1/2 students have been learning to add and subtract numbers. In music they have been playing rhythm detective. Rhythm detective is a game where one person is the leader. The leader starts by doing a rhythm e.g. clapping hands. Then the rhythm detective will come in and try to guess who the leader is. The leader has to change rhythm every few seconds. Finally, in Art the 1/2 have been doing foil art. They have been making things out of foil.

Year 3/4 

The 3/4 have been remaking their own versions of the Mona Lisa. In music they have been practising the national anthem and learning music notes. In maths they have been learning division and multiplication. Finally, in writing they have been doing procedural texts, also known as “How to” texts. 

Year 5/6 

In sports the 5/6 have been learning to play netball with Dana. In art they have been learning about perspective and drawing perspective. They have been writing information reports and in reading, they have been learning summarising skills such as cause and effect. 

On Friday the 19th, 20 year 3/4 students and 20 year 5/6 students went to cross country. Well done to everyone who participated.

That is everything that has happened in the past few weeks. Have a good weekend.

Tilly                              Kinnari

House Captains

Principal's Report

Education Week

This year, Education Week runs from Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 May. The theme Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity, hands on learning and student voice.

Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners.

Our school is proud to encourage active learners through the many extra curricula sports activities that we run to supplement our great physical education program. Our active gardening club, run by Lizzie, not only keeps kids active through gardening but also teaches them about the natural world and the importance of caring for our environment.

Our visual and performing arts programmes also create opportunities for students to be active both physically and mentally in their learning and certainly highlight the theme of this year’s education week: Move, Make, Motivate.


Education Support Staff day

This Tuesday 16th of May was Education Support Staff Day where we recognise and celebrate the enormous and vital work of education support staff. The staff held a morning tea to acknowledge our ES staff members: Marianna, Dana, and Caroline.


School Tours / Enrolment update

Another successful tour was run this past Monday. The visiting parents were again impressed by the beauty of our school grounds, our calm, focused and friendly children and of course the obvious learning opportunities here at Abbotsford Primary school. I have made contact with the department regarding the changes to the enrolment and placement policy. As a result, I am expecting to meet with a representative from the department this week, to explore enrolment options to support our status as a bilingual school.


Science Works excursion – Volunteers needed

On Tuesday June 13th we will be traveling to science works for a whole school excursion. We will need approximately 20 parent volunteers to help us on the day. All parent volunteers will need to have a current Working with Children Check. Please contact Marianna at the office to register your interest and thank you in advance.  


Soccer referees

I would like to personally congratulate and celebrate the students from across the school who have volunteered to referee games of sport at lunch and recess. These games can be a source of tension or disagreement in schools, and it is through the caring actions of student volunteers that these issues can be alleviated. This is also a great way for teachers to support students to build their resilience and their ability to manage the big feelings that can sometimes occur during competitive games.


Plympton International College return visit

Next week our teachers Cheng and FangNi will be traveling to South Australia to visit Plympton International College. The return leg of the visit by two Plympton teachers two weeks ago. This will be a wonderful opportunity to improve our bilingual practice by observing and engaging with other bilingual educators who are demonstrating best practice.


Schools Upgrade funding

Earlier this year Lizzie put in an application to the Federal Government for funding to fix the issues relating to the mould and leaking. I am pleased to report that Abbotsford Primary school has been awarded a grant of $25,000 to support these issues. This is great news and will certainly help what was a stretched maintenance budget.



Upcoming Events

Friday, 9 June
House Sports Carnival (More details to follow)

Monday, 12 June
Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)

Tuesday, 13 June
Scienceworks Excursion

Friday. 16 June
Richmond District Winter Gala Day (Year 5&6)

Friday, 23 June
Term 2 Ends (Early finish at 2:30pm)
Parents to receive Semester 1 Reports

Community Noticeboard