Peter Emerson | Year 6 Parent |
President |
Lisa Lu | Year 1 Parent | Vice President |
Guy Donald | Year 1, Year 3 & 5 Parent | |
Kimi Nishimura | Year 1 and Year 4 Parent | Chair of Marketing Sub-Committee |
Jessica Paolini | Year 1 and Year 2 Parent | Treasurer, Chair of Education Sub-Committee |
Suk-Yi Lo | Year 1 and Year 4 Parent | |
Melissa Hii | Year 2 and 4 Parent |
Nicole Murnane | Year 1 Parent |
Keith McNeill | Principal |
Executive Officer |
Caroline Wilkins |
Wellbeing Officer |
DET Employee |
Fangni Zhou |
Learning Specialist |
DET Employee |
Marianna Karagkounis | Business Manager |
Secretary/Minute taker |
© 2020 Abbotsford Primary School