Student Wellbeing Coordinator

At Abbotsford Primary School the wellbeing of our students and their families is our utmost importance. It is our aim to promote the mental health, social skills, resilience, self confidence and learning outcomes of all our students.


Caroline Wilkins is our Student Wellbeing Coordinator; she holds qualifications in Educational Psychology and Social Work. Caroline has over 40 years’ experience working in the field of mental health, disability, child and adolescent social work in both government and community-based organisations.



Caroline’s role at Abbotsford Primary School includes:

  • The coordination of service support to students and families, referral to community support services and welfare agencies;
  • Liaison with school staff and our regional Student Support Service personnel (psychologists, speech therapists, social workers) meeting on a regular basis to organise assessment and service provision as required;
  • Coordination and supervision of our school-based art therapy and counselling programs;
  • Consultation with professionals and community service providers who provide support at school;
  • Program for Students with Disabilities coordinator;
  • Referral to State Schools Relief for eligible families;
  • Ongoing planning and development, application for funding for wellbeing services.

© 2020 Abbotsford Primary School