Mathematics at Abbotsford Primary School is taught in every classroom for five hours a week in both English (Semester 1) and Chinese (Semester 2). Like our Literacy approach, our teaching and learning strategies are researched informed. Each teacher ensures that a clear whole class focus, e.g. multiplying two-digit numbers, is explicitly taught to all. Students use a range of 'hands on' materials to support their mastery of mental strategies. Students work on tasks that are designed to extend their individual abilities by undertaking real life open-ended tasks.
Students reflect on their learning throughout and at the conclusion of a session. This provides students the opportunity to articulate their learning to their peers, reinforcing the skills and strategies they are developing. We encourage parents to communicate with the teachers so that parents can follow the strategies taught in the classroom at home.
2022 Maths Info Session Powerpoint
Integrated Studies plays an important role to enhance the learning of our students, and is taught in both Chinese (Semester 1) and English (Semester 2). Our teachers plan an integrated curriculum which focuses on a key theme that allows for the incorporation of subject areas such as History, Geography, Health, Civics and Citizenship and Economics. This approach enables our students to practise applying their literacy and numeracy skills and strategies into areas of interest to them. For example, students may have an interest in Natural Disasters. They can practise their comprehension skills when reading about various disasters and draw on their mathematics skills to compare the speed of wind or measuring rainfall.
Abbotsford Primary School uses the MAPPEN program in its design of Integrated Studies units. Click here for more information regarding MAPPEN.
© 2020 Abbotsford Primary School